8 Ways to Enhance Your Everyday Life in the Middle of a Pandemic
- Category: Thrive
- May 13, 2021
As we all know, COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in the works. Our travel plans have been canceled. School and work have transferred online. People desperately miss seeing friends and family. We are naturally social beings, and COVID-19 is impacting our ability to grow and flourish the way we want to. However, the pandemic has affected you; remember that you are not alone.
Quarantine is not something we wake up and decide to do for the day, but this is how the world is currently. Right now, our lives are routine and possibly even stagnant. It is essential to keep your spirits up and make the most of every day. If you are looking for a boost, mentally, physically, and spiritually, here are eight ways you can enhance your everyday life in the middle of a pandemic.
1. Learn a New Talent
Teaching yourself something new gives your brain a rush. There is a spark of inspiration when your brain is forced to create a new neural pathway to accommodate new information. You can learn to play an instrument, teach yourself how to knit, learn how to play chess, or pick up a sport like tennis or golf. A new talent can be an outlet for creative expression as well as a pleasurable activity to partake in during the pandemic.
2. Enjoy Your Own Company
It may sound silly, but it is essential to enjoy your own company. Delighting in yourself means understanding that you are unique, cherished, and special. There is no one like you in the entire world, and that is something to celebrate. You can find fun ways to celebrate yourself amid the pandemic, such as making yourself your favorite meal, ordering dinner from your favorite restaurant, relaxing in a warm bath, or even taking some time just to be quiet and relax.
3. Change Up Your Routine
Changing up the pace of your daily routine is a great way to break out of mundanity. If you are an early bird, try sleeping in occasionally. On the other hand, if you are a night owl, try going to bed early and waking up early. A new routine is often refreshing for the body and the mind.
4. Test Out a New Music Genre
Try out a new era of music to bring spontaneity to your day. There is nothing as routine as listening to the same playlist every week. Turn on a band that you would never imagine yourself listening to and try to find something you like about it. This can help expand your interests as well as relate to others who enjoy that type of music.
5. Absorb the Present Moment
Absorbing the present moment means being wholly focused on the here and now. This means you aren’t worrying about what happened in the past, and you aren’t concerned about what will happen in the future. Our lives can become an extremely flustered whirlwind of stress when we don’t take the time to be still and present. You can start absorbing the present moment by looking around and identifying objects in your daily life that you otherwise wouldn’t have noticed. Maybe there is a dove that sits beside your desk window. There could be a beautiful sunrise on your morning commute to work. The flowers in your front yard might be blooming, or your wife might smell particularly lovely. It is essential to acknowledge the beauty in the little things, which always brings us to the present moment.
6. Make a Bucket List
Bucket lists are a must-have. The pandemic is a perfect opportunity to culminate ideas of what you want to do when places begin to open up again. You can research places you want to go and set aside money for activities you want to do. Getting a tattoo, skydiving, or shark cage diving are ideas many people have on their bucket list.
7. Invest Time in What You Believe in
Set aside time to participate in the things you are passionate about. Maybe you have a heart for giving to the homeless or volunteering at the local animal shelter. You might want to go out and support a cause, like breast cancer awareness or represent the LGBTQ community. While it is difficult to go out and partake during the pandemic, it would be helpful to check your community’s volunteer page to see if there are any upcoming events.
8. Be Bold
Allow yourself to be seen, to be bold, and to be known. COVID-19 has forced us to quarantine, and many people feel isolated and alone during this time. Many individuals’ mental health is suffering, and the numbers of people are experiencing depression and anxiety are skyrocketing like never before. While we might feel lost and alone, our personalities are still whole. Eventually, when the world opens up again, we will get to mingle with each other and feel connected like never before. It will be beautiful. So be bold for your own sake, and take charge of the reins of your life.
COVID-19 has brought different stressors for each and every one of us. One thing we can do to ensure our mental health stays sharp is to try out new things. It might feel strange attempting a new activity or breaking out of your comfort zone, but it will boost your mood and wellbeing. The pandemic has affected all of us, but we get to choose if it rules our everyday life. If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health concern, please reach out for help. SokyaHealth is an empowering team of professionals who aim to bring healing to every client. Our treatment plans are tailored to your needs, and we offer telehealth services for those who feel more comfortable at home. We provide mental health services to the Southern California, Oregon, and Alaska regions. To schedule a free consultation about our mental health services, call SokyaHealth today at (866) 932-1767.